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Home / Health / GCDA condemn Killing of Prof Shahid of PIMS, Islamabad

GCDA condemn Killing of Prof Shahid of PIMS, Islamabad

Lahore: The General Cadre Doctors Association (GCDA) has shown concern over the death of PIMS Prof. and head of cardiology Dr. Shahid, and declared it as a national loss, and demanded the government to increase the security for doctors in all cadres, to counter these threats.Dr. Shahid

This insecurity can result in deterioration of the doctor’s commitment to the patients; this was stated in the joint statement of General cadre doctors association while holding the emergent meeting on this issue.

Speaking on the occasion GCDA president Dr Masood Sheikh said that the PIMS incidence is followed by threat to the doctors of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Lahore working as Assistant Prof. in cardiology, on the issue that he has just done the CPR of the patient that died eventually. Dr Afaq Ahmed working as assistant professor was there to do the CPR, and when he declared the news to the attendants at  Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore, they started threatening him, and gave him life threats. They even extended these threats to his family members.

Dr Asad Abbas Shah added that it is very pity that the Medical Superintendent despite being informed for the incidence did not even bother to extent the courtesy call to the affected doctors. He said that such cold attitude of the medical superintendent is beyond understanding. Dr Asad Abbas Shah while addressing the meeting said that it is enough now, and the government must ensure adequate security measures in hospital, especially in critically ill sections, and emergency room, and no one should be allowed to threaten the doctors. He added that such threats have caused serious concerns in doctor’s community, and they are finding it very difficult to work under these circumstances.

Dr Assad Abbas Shah that in the current incidence, despite a huge force of security guard, no one came to rescue the doctors Afaq, and this incidence is enough for the medical superintendent to submit resignation for not ensuring proper security to the doctors of the concerned hospital.

Dr Muhammad Ashraf said that for the last few years, the doctors have been easy target, and as a community it is the time to protest. If the government is not able to provide security then we should be allowed to do it at our own level and the government should accept their failure in this regards.

Dr Ashraf said that hospital should be declared zero tolerance zones, not only in papers, but should be on ground as well. He said that a written report has been submitted to the medical superintenden in this regard but no action has been taken as yet.

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