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Home / Latest news / The rulers should take the JIT report on the Baldia town tragedy seriously:Sirajul Haq

The rulers should take the JIT report on the Baldia town tragedy seriously:Sirajul Haq

Siraj ul HaqLahore: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Sirajul Haq, has said that if the rulers did not take the JIT report on the Baldia Factory tragedy seriously, the masses would be constrained to believe that like the US, the Pakistan government was also bent upon linking terrorism with Islam and the madrissahs. .

Talking to media men in Peshawar on Thursday, he said there could not be a bigger terrorism than the burning to death of 260 human beings. He said the Baldia Town factory fire was a test case for the government and justice demanded that all those involved in the gruesome tragedy be brought to book and handed down exemplary punishment. He said the government should have immediate initiated action on the JIT report.

Sirajul Haq deplored that the Sindh government and the PPP too had not done their duty in this respect. Instead, they had taken the ethnic organization deeply involved in the factory fire, as an ally in the Sindh government. He asked if extortionists were not terrorists.

He said a complete national unity had emerged against terrorism after the Peshawar tragedy but the rulers themselves had shattered this unity and now attempts were being made to make the JIT report  controversial. However, he said, if the government tried to politicize the JIT report, all its claims to eliminate terrorism would remained a dream. He demanded of the government to immediately explain its stance in this respect.

The JI chief deplored the prop[agenda campaign against the madrisssahs and said that allegation of this nature had not been leveled even during the British rule. He said the madrissahs had been associated with the mosques in the sub continent for centuries. Besides, being the institutions for the religious education for boys and girls, these madrissahs had been carrying out the task of preaching of Islam and had produced eminent religious scholars. Around three million students were on roll in these madrissahs which did not get any patronage or funds from the government.

Sirajul Haq expressed grief over the reports of the arrests and harassment of the Afghan refugees

in different parts of the country. He said the relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan were brotherly and the two were linked through the bond of religion. The Afghan refugees had been living in his country for the last four decades and had been earning their living through hard labour. The Pakistani nation had kept them as guests. He said that in order to ensure good neighbourly relations with Afghanistan in the future, we must continue good, fraternal ties with them.

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