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Events at Pakistan’s border are part of some bigger global game:Gen. (R) Tauqir Zia

Events at Pakistan’s border are part of some bigger global gameGen. (R) Tauqir Zia Lahore: Gen. (R) Tauqir Zia said that Pakistan was the only Muslim nuclear country in the world and therefore had become the centre of world attention. He said the events at country’s border were part of some bigger global game. He said by mobilizing all the national segments such as economy, will of the people and even our nuclear arsenal Pakistan could maintain her integrity.

He was addressing a seminar organized by Punjab University Pakistan Study Centre in collaboration with Pakistan National Forum on “Pakistan-India Relation: The Situation on LOC.”

Maj. Gen. (R) Rahat Latif highlighted the adverse sentiment in India against Pakistan in the aftermath of Indian elections. He said that issues such as Kashmir and sharing of Indus Water required a strong response which could come of the Pakistan Army and a united nation. A vibrant question-answer session was held at the end of the session.

Dean faculty of Arts and Humanities Prof Dr Massarrat Abid, senior defense analysts including Prof Dr Hassan Askari Rizvi, former foreign Secretary Shamshad Ahmed Khan, Lt. Gen. (R) Naseer Akhtar, Air Vice Marshal (R) Anwar Mehmood Khan, Lt. Gen. (R) Farooq Ahmed Khan, President Pakistan National Forum Col. (R) M. Ikram Ullah Khan, faculty members and a large number of students were present on the occasion.

Former Foreign Secretary  Shamshad Ahmed Khan informed the audience that India stage-managed the Mumbai episode as well as the Parliament offensive in the post 9/11 period as a portrait to attack Pakistan. He said currently, Modi was following Chankiya’s philosophy but Pakistan suffered seriously from the leadership vacuum. “Washington is the present centre of global politics not the U.N. at New York,” he added.

Dr Massarrat Abid said that Pakistan’s diplomatic efforts to revitalize Kashmir dispute at UN explained the intensity of India’s violations on the LoC and Sialkot border.

Prof. Dr. Hasan Askari pointed out that all conspiracies against Pakistan could be foiled if an active foreign policy was adopted and that Pakistan had the potential to meet all internal and external challenges related to economy, terrorism and foreign aggression.

Former Federal Law Secretary Justice (R) Faqir Khokhar suggested that Pakistan had to defend her two borders-on the East and on the West. He said it was through political and economic stabilization that Pakistan could ensure her defense and territorial integrity.

Col. (R) M. Ikram Ullah Khan suggested that serious thinking on the current situation was warranted as both the eastern and western borders of Pakistan were under threat while the sovereignty of Pakistan was being tested due to numerous internal and external pressures. He said that only an active foreign policy and collective thinking could help in finding the short term and long term solutions of the current situation.

Former Chief Justice (R) Mian Mehboob Ahmed has said that Pakistan is created on the basis of two-nation theory and it cannot trust India as she has never accepted Pakistan as sovereign neighbor. The only way to brave Indian threat is internal unity and the revamped spirit of nationalism.

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