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Shahbaz Sharif is a “Qaatil-e-A’ala”:Ch Pervaiz Elahi

Shahbaz Sharif is a  Qaatil-e-A'ala Ch Pervaiz ElahiLahore: Pakistan Muslim League (PML) senior central leader and former Deputy Prime Minister Ch Parvez Elahi has said that our sisters, daughters, elders, brothers and sons participating in the longest sit-in with their courage, bravery and steadfastness has written new history against oppression, injustice and rigging in Pakistan, entire nation was praying for them, martyrs blood was winning and fake and murderous govt was shaky.

He said this while addressing the sit-in participants along with Dr Tahirul Qadri, Allama Nasir Abbas, Ch Zaheeruddin Khan, Ahmad Yar Heraj and other leaders.

Ch Parvez Elahi said because of them the necks of the rulers would be straightened soon and they would be on the ground, Inshallah, they could not get the sit-ins ended despite shameful campaign against Pak army under govt patronage and sinking the poor in flood and every where slogans of ” Go Nawaz, Go Shahbaz ” chase them and force them to run away. He said claimant of being “Khadam-e-A’ala” by getting intense firing on innocent citizens done and sinking the poor in flood has proved that he was “Qaatil-e-A’ala”, whether the people were killed or sunk the rulers product of rigging have concern or sympathy for the poor and this country, participants of sit-in by foiling all their tactics for 36 days till today with the blessings of Almighty Allah have thrown their ego and pride in the dust.Shahbaz Sharif is a  Qaatil-e-A'alaCh Pervaiz Elahi

Ch Parvez Elahi said further that whatever these rulers do to divert the attention of the people from their wrong doings and problems that hits back on them like taking cover of Article 6 against General Pervez Musharraf for hiding their inefficiency regarding Muharrum bloodshed in Rawalpindi and now doing nothing to save the people despite advance information about flood so that people’s attention was diverted from the sit-ins but now wherever they go, they have no escape from flood-hit people’s anti-slogans.

He said Pak army was not only protector and defender of our territorial and ideological frontiers but also was always first to rescue people in every natural calamity like earthquake and flood, our army jawans and our established 1122 Service had done the most rescue work in the current flood but they had resorted to leveling of allegation against this very Pak army both inside and outside the Parliament, what else could be worst enmity towards the country than this.

Continuing Ch Parvez Elahi said that the spirit of the sit-in participants was much more than their thinking, the sit-in participants were rendering great sacrifice for the revolution, because of their steadfastness the rulers govts in the centre and in the province were about to fall, this was the result of the courage and sacrifice of the sit-in participants that murder, attempt to murder and terrorism cases were being registered against the prime minister, the chief minister and their ministers, they had forgotten the way to the Senate and the National Assembly now they running after the parliamentarians, all this change was due to the participants of the sit-in.

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