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Ombudsman Punjab feel helpless before ministry of finance

Javaid-Mehmood-ombudsman-PunjabLahore: Ombudsman Punjab Javaid Mehmood has said that Finance Department Punjab should implement the decision of Supreme Court with regard to payment of double pension. He said that the pensioners more than the age of 75 years are not in a position to visit offices repeatedly for double pension, therefore, their right should be given to him immediately.

Javaid Mehmood said that after the final decision of the full bench of Supreme Court, depriving the right of double pension of old pensioners of Punjab is not understandable. Talking to old pensioners on Pensioners Day in Ombudsman Punjab office he said that the right given to the old pensioners of federal government and Balochistan should also be accepted in Punjab.

The pensioners told Ombudsman that despite rejection of appeals of Punjab government by the full bench of Supreme Court of Pakistan, Provincial Finance Department is using delaying tactics for payment of double pension. The pensioners said that they are being deprived of their right in last stage of their life. Incharge Ombudsman Punjab Pension Cell Wazir Ahmed Qureshi told that after the decision of Supreme Court, government will have to make payment of double pension to the pensioners.

He told that Lahore High Court, Punjab Services Tribunal, Federal Services Tribunal and Supreme Court have accepted the right of double pension to retired employees above the age of 75 years. Wazir Ahmed Qureshi said that all departments are binding to implement the decision of Supreme Court, therefore, Finance Department should immediately restore the commutation with increases of all pensioners above the age of 75 years.

He told that Accountant General Punjab has also written a letter to Finance Department in this regard so that after making entries in pension books, dues could be paid to all pensioners. Fateha was also offered on Pensioners Day for the departed souls of those retired employees who died for waiting the payment of double pension.

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