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Only a pensioner can understand pensioners problems

Javaid Mehmood ombudsman PunjabLahore: Right of ‘Double Pension’ to all employees of Punjab Government after a determined period is admitted by the government and Finance Department has issued notification in this regard.

To begin with, arrears of pending payments of the pensioners attaining the age of 75 years, entitled for double pension (restoration of commuted portion of pension) may be made as the same were not being paid since many years. Ombudsman Punjab, Javed Mahmood has greeted the retired and serving employees of the province for establishment of right of double pension and said that retired employees of 75 and more will celebrate their Eid with “double happiness”. Ombudsman Punjab had directed Secretary Finance and Accountant General Punjab to pay arrears of double pension to the retired employees before Eid.

Ombudsman Punjab said that the old pensioners had been fighting for their legitimate right since many years and submitted appeal to every available forum for justice. Punjab Services Tribunal, Lahore High Court, Federal Services Tribunal and Ombudsman Punjab ordered to pay double pension. A Full Bench of Supreme Court of Pakistan, headed by the Chief Justice, also dismissed review petitions of Punjab Government on the same issue. Ultimately efforts of the old pensioners got reward and they won all cases.

The Finance Department vide its circular omitted a para, inducted in 2001, according to which even the civil servants retired on or after 01.12.2001 would be entitled to restoration of their commuted portion of pension alongwith all increases on expiry of commuted period of pension which was, infact, not allowed prior to the issuance of Supreme Court of Pakistan verdict.

The heirs of all those pensioners who expired after attaining the age of 75 after 2001, will also get the arrears and dues of the deceased pensioners. Ombudsman Punjab said that Mohtasib Punjab Pension Cell, Finance Department and media played active role for the right of restoration of pension for old pensioners. He said that untiring efforts of pensioners to seek their right is an example for the civil servants.

Pensioners have expressed their happiness and gratitude to the Ombudsman Punjab for the support provided in their noble cause.

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