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Ch Shujat Hussain meets Pir Naqib-ur-Rahman

Photo CSH 01 {June11-14}Lahore: Pakistan Muslim League (PML) President and former Prime Minister Ch Shujat Hussain has said that circumstances of Pakistan can only be set right through revolutionary reforms so that people can secure the rights given in the Constitution.

He said while talking on the occasion of meeting with Sajjada Nasheen Eidgah Sharif Rawalpindi Pir Naqib-ur-Rahman. He was accompanied by PML leaders Muhammad Basharat Ranjha, Imtiaz Ranjha and Raja Nasir.

This meeting was part of the process started by the committee constituted during the meeting of Ch Shujat Hussain and Dr Tahirul Qadri for securing the support of 10 points agenda by contacting Ulema and Mashaikh-e-Islam of all schools of thoughts, political and social figures for enlisting their fullest possible cooperation on peoples’ welfare agenda.

Ch Shujat Hussain said there was dire need for improving the lot of the poor man who was hit the hardest way by every day increasing price hike of essential and other articles and unemployment but this would be only possible when the power was devolved to the lower level.

He said that PML and Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri’s 10-point agenda was strictly in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution of Pakistan and was not in conflict or negation of any provision of the Constitution but this was most regrettable thing that people in this country have not been given the rights given in the Constitution, in the time to come success can only be achieved through joint struggle in the light of these points.

Ch Shujat Hussain emphatically said that era of progress and prosperity can be ushered in the country through implementation of 10-Point Agenda and the peoples’ participation in the power was the spirit of true democracy.

Pir Naqib-ur-Rahman said that Ch Shujat Hussain was really concerned for Pakistan and imbued with determination and spirit to take Pakistan onward and solve the peoples’ problems and we pray for his success adding “there is great love and respect for him in my heart”.

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