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Home / Politics / Govt. is showing extreme negligence in protecting the working women:Khursheed Mehmood Kasuri

Govt. is showing extreme negligence in protecting the working women:Khursheed Mehmood Kasuri

PTI passes women policy reformsLahore: Former Minister for foreign affairs Khursheed Mehmood Kasuri has  said that it is sad that Pakistan had missed out on all millennium development goals and govt. as shown extreme negligence in protecting both the working women and home based workers as well.

While addressing a conference on the international women day on women issues and reforms , Khursheed Kasuri  said that the recent incidences of violence and rapes to women working in households is extremely disturbing and PTI’s bill that has been presented on domestic house hold violence in the assembly should be accepted and taken up by the govt. he demanded that the govt. should be carrying out special literacy programs for the poorest of the poor who could not afford to keep their daughters out of work.

He said that the example set by KPK govt. in providing highest budget to education and health should be emulated in Punjab and health and education facilities to women should top all social development priorities.

Dr. Yasmin Rashid Gen Secretary Punjab presented the health facts and said that the role of mother is crucial to save a family and any family where the mother dies the chances of the two of the children surviving decrease sharply. She said Pakistan had allocated only 4.75 to the health budget which is one of the lowest in the world. She said that PTI demands from the govt. that the health budget be made 5% as PTI’s KP govt. has already increased it to 6%. She said that the PTI demanded that the govt. upgrade all BHU’s and DHU’s she also said that the free provision of medicines should be made in all public hospitals.

Ejaz Ch President Punjab said that the education of women suffered great disparity as the female literacy ratio was only 47% compared to make ratio to 72%. He said that PTI demanded that the poor should not only be given free education but special emphasis being given on teachers training to improve quality of education. He demanded that young men and women should also be given vocational training and functional literacy to improve their chances of getting employment.


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