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Lahore will see a historical protest on the 22nd of December

001203 (1)03 (1)Lahore: PTI Secretary General Jehangir Khan Tareen has  said that under the  leadership of Chairman Imran Khan, PTI will launch local body campaign very soon to show to the PML-N that no matter how much rigging they do they cannot stop PTI from creating into the roads PML-N strong hold. He said that the traditional politics of awarding tickets to politicians who belonged to dynastic families is being challenged by PTI as all effort is being made to select those candidates who have merit of performance n work rather than just name of their families.

Jehangir Khan Tareen said that 30th October 2011 was the day when the status co of the parties of Pakistan was shaken on the routes by PTI Tsunami and it was because of this fear that PML-N made a plan of massive rigging as they knew that they cannot win without infringing the system. He said that the current removal of NADRA chairman is a confirmation of this fact.

He claimed that Ch Nisar had already admitted that all seats will have bogus votes that cannot be verified an even if the 50 seats on verification is proven null and void the whole election results will lose its credibility. He requested all the workers old and new to blend as a team as the country was in entire need as a courageous party like PTI was the only chance of getting Pakistan out of the hold of these corrupt and incompetent leaders who were there only for their own interest. He promised Lahore will see a historical protest on the 22nd of December which will re-lift the memories of 30th October and 23rd march.

Ejaz Ch president spoke on this occasion and said that the PTI was a party that challenges is the ideology of status co and will keep on doing that by contesting PML-N’s attempts to continue with its autocratic mind sets. He said that the PTI has challenged PML-N govt. non party local body bill and had claimed big victory by forcing PML-N to contest lb on party basis.

He said as a result all over pun jab people were joining PTI and he was very hopeful that PTI Punjab team will come up with top class grass root representative. He said that the performance of the PML-N govt. in the last six months had proven what PTI had claimed all along that PML-N was basically a big business party which was there to make money for themselves and their friends and families while the poor man had been crushed under record inflation. He motivated the workers by telling them that on 22nd of December PTI will have a historical protest demanding govt. to restore prices at the 11th may level.

Abrar-ul-haq, Rana Nadeem Ahmed, Bakhtiar Qasoori, Faizullah Khamokha, Riasat Ali Bhatti, Shabbir Sial, Rana Sajid Shokat, Naeem Mir, Sikander Fayaz, Rafeeq Azam Mazari, Shahid Talib, Mian Farzand Ali, Punjab Dist. Presidents and Gen. Secretaries were also present.


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