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Home / Politics / Punjab Government involves in firing outside Chaudharies House:Ch Zaheer

Punjab Government involves in firing outside Chaudharies House:Ch Zaheer

Lahore: Pakistan Muslim Punjab General Secretary Ch Zaheeruddin has said that Punjab Govt has a hand in the incident of firing at the residence of PML President Senator Ch Shujat Hussain and senior central leader and former Deputy Prime Minister Ch Parvez Elahi.

In a statement issued here, Ch Zaheeruddin said that N-League has started threatening its political opponents in this manner and through these incidents it is not much difficult to understand the mental state of N-League leaders now. He said that because of their faulty performance during five years, N-League leaders have lost their mental balance and come down to so low level of such tactics.
Ch Zaheeruddin said that leaders and workers of Pakistan Muslim League cannot be cowed down through bullets and incidents of firing, we are not going to be afraid and bow down and would face our political opponents in every field firmly and squarely.

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