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APCNGA starts hunger strike against Govt policies today

Lahore: The All Pakistan CNG Association (APCNGA) has said that it will start hunger strike as per the schedule announced earlier from today (Tuesday March 12) to protest anti-CNG policies of the government.
The hunger strike would be established near Kulsoom Plaza, Blue Area at 12 pm while a press conference will be held at 4 pm, said an announcement.
All the office bearers and members of the APCNGA will participate in the hunger strike, it added.
We are protesting anti-CNG policies of the government, unjust gas distribution, 5-day gas load shedding for CNG sector in Punjab and continuous discrimination by authorities, said Ghiyas Abdullah Paracha, Chairman Supreme Council APCNGA.

Government has endangered millions of jobs, deprived masses of facility of economical transportation and destroying investment of around Rs 400 billion, he said.

He said that all the policies are being framed to destroy CNG sector since years, CNG operators are being harassed while Punjab has been subjected to five-day gas loadshedding which amounts to punishing 80 million masses.

Paracha added said that some important officials, hand in glove with influential energy mafia, have laid siege to the CNG sector and made life of masses miserable in a bid to plunder the country.
Energy crisis is being many to multiply personal fortunes which is worst exploitation masses have been made to face, he added.

The leader of the CNG sector said that what we saw in the name of resolving energy crisis was nothing but tactics aimed at personal welfare of the few which has damaged the credibility of the elite.
Ghiyas Paracha demanded reversal of all the anti-CNG moves, abandoning projects which are to benefit few and reduce gas loadshedding duration in Punjab.

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