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PTI describes reasons to object Aasma Jahangir

Lahore: Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf has taken note of a statement by Ms. Aasma Jahangir in which she has attacked PTI Chairman Imran Khan and the party for raising objections on her nomination by PML (N) as caretaker Prime Minister. Aasma Jhangir. A PTI Spokesman said that the problem with Ms. Jahangir’s nomination was not her person but that she does not fit the qualifications that the party thinks are necessary for a caretaker Prime Minister. It be recalled said the Spokesman that PTI had laid down three necessary preconditions before somebody could be considered for the most important post of caretaker Prime Minister during the election period. These are:

1.      The person nominated should be completely neutral.

2.      The person nominated should respect national institutions particularly the judiciary.

3.      The person nominated should have the necessary administrative experience to run the machinery of the state for the caretaker period and particularly able to ensure a free and fair election.


The Spokesman that Ms Aasma Jahangir does not fit any of the above three criterion.She has frequently attacked Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf in the past and continues to do so. According to her published statements, Ms Jahangir has termed PTI a “progeny of the establishment” and handmaiden of those wanting to derail democracy. These statements of hers have been spread over the last three years and show a consistent pattern of anti PTI behaviour. As a citizen in a democracy she is free to hold any views, said the party spokesman, but for someone required to conduct a free and fair election, Ms Jahangir is clearly biased and does not fit the bill.


The same is true regarding her attitude towards the Supreme Court. The person becoming caretaker Prime Minister must have an innate respect for the SC because during the election phase many contentious issues may be decided by the superior courts. If the caretaker PM does not respect the courts, there would be chaos during the sensitive election period. Ms Asma Jehangir clearly has little respect for the superior judiciary as a number of her statements attacking the courts testify. On this criterion too, she does not fit the bill to be caretaker PM.

Thirdly, it goes without saying that anyone becoming the caretaker PM must have at least some administrative experience. Ms. Jahangir has none. She would thus find it impossible to conduct the affairs of the government.

Thus there is nothing personal against Ms. Aasma Jahangir


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