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Putting off elections to be disastrous:Munawar Hasan

syed munawar hasanLahore: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Syed Munawar Hasan, has warned that any move to put off the elections and impose an unconstitutional set up in the country for a couple of years would have disastrous consequences.

In a statement here on Tuesday before his departure for Karachi, he said that conspiracies to putt of the elections in order to save the PPP and its allies from a crushing defeat and to unleash anarchy in the country were being hatched for quite some time, and the statement of a central PPP leader Senator Raza Rabbani in this regard had confirmed that.

The JI Ameer said that Dr Tahirul Qadri’s Long March drama and sit-in in the federal capital were also a part of the plan that had full backing of President Zardari and his patrons in the US. However, the drama had flopped because of the unity of the democratic parties in the Opposition.
He called upon the parties sincerely believing in democracy and supremacy of the constitution to take immediate notice of these conspiracies and come forward to foil these.

Syed Munawar Hasan said that the nation had been crushed because of corruption and plunder and bad governance of the rulers and wanted to throw them off at the earliest. The masses had been anxiously awaiting the elections to realize this goal, and that was why the preset rulers were able to complete their five year term. However, he said, President Zardari and his gang were not prepared to step down. For the MQM,falling out of power would be its death while the ANP too wanted to remain in power. Thus, efforts were being made to putt of the polls on one pretext or the other. However, he said that any such attempt would be unconstitutional and plunge the country into complete chaos.

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