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Country would have defaulted earlier without judicial interventions:PEW

Lahore: The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Wednesday said concrete steps for economic revival seems a far cry during the current year.

Masses will experience three governments in the on-going year, the incumbent coalition will complete term which will be replaced by caretaker setup and after elections another political government will take charge, it said.

It would be unfortunate if the ruling party which claim to believe in continuity of democracy and reconciliation to justify wrongdoing forms government after elections as it will seal the fate of country, said Dr. Murtaza Mughal, President PEW.The ruling band, which is promoting corruption in the name of democracy on the cost of country will lead Pakistan to total destruction if given another chance, he said.

Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that politicians usually blame courts for obstructing their revolutionary steps but masses know that without judicial interventions the country would have defaulted earlier.He said that Pakistan only progressed in corruption in the era of incumbent rulers inviting international disgrace and lack of trust on the part of development partners which is emerging as one of the biggest threat to country.Masses saw two prime ministers tainted with corruption charges, four finance ministers, six finance secretaries, four SBP governors, six chairman of the FBR, and four deputy chairman of the planning commission in last five years which only points towards lack of serious attitude and absence concern, he said.

He said that rulers are sole responsible for pushing government debt to 1300 trillion, forcing millions below the poverty line, promoting nobility, mismanaging energy crisis, delaying projects of national importance, failed revenue collection targets, dwindling rupee and reserves and flight of capital and industries.They would nail in the coffin of country if voted again to power in the upcoming elections, warned Dr. Mughal. A new government with a comprehensive strategy of economic revival can save Pakistan.

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