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Dr Tahir ul Qadri refuses to talk with Malik Riaz

Photo CSH 01 {Jan12-13}Lahore: Important headway has been made in negotiations of Pakistan Muslim League President Senator Ch Shujat Hussain and senior central leader and Deputy Prime Minister Ch Parvaiz Elahi with chief of Tehrik Minhajul Quran Dr Tahirul Qadri whereas consultations on legal points will continue. At the end of today’s negotiations, Dr Tahirul Qadri told the media that Ch Shujat Hussain and Ch Parvaiz Elahi made sincere efforts with good intentions, result will be known by the end of the long march, there will be guarantee also for implementation of the worked out formula.

Ch Shujat Hussain and Ch Parvez Elahi while talking to the media people said that we have reached the nearer, we have not made no point of ego, there should be no bloodshed, solution of legal points is also essential, matters can be settled before he (Dr Tahirul Qadri) reaches Islamabad. Moonis Elahi also participated in the negotiations whereas for consultations on legal points, prominent legal expert Dr Khalid Ranjha was specially called. Ch Shujat Hussain said if we or he had become emotional then loss could have been caused to the nation and the country. He highly appreciated the national spirit and sanity of Malik Riaz Sahib and said that when he was going then we said that we will accompany him but he said that you should make full effort for resolving this problem and he will go alone, if there was someone else he would have said that let us boycott. Continuing, Ch Shujat Hussain said that we have tried to assure Dr Tahirul Qadri that we are trying to resolve the problem whereas Dr Tahirul Qadri said that he wants assurance in Islamabad, we have still said that way to Islamabad is very long and negotiations will continue on the way also.

Ch Pervaiz Elahi said that on every point of Dr Tahir ul Qadri, the President and the Prime Minister have been apprised, we have reached very nearer, some legal points have also surfaced for which Dr Khalid Ranjha was called. He said Dr Tahir ul Qadri has said that legal mechanism has to be seen in the context of implementation and to give it legal cover, we also want this so that its implementation is not delayed. He said this no point of ego nor a matter of pride, we have been coming for some good objective and sat for decision so that God-forbid there is no bloodshed and violence, may Almighty Allah protect everyone including Doctor Sahib and no such incident occurs which is apprehended, for this security is also required, we are considering every point of the objective of this march and Dr Khalid Ranjha has specially come for this purpose. Ch Parvaiz Elahi said on going back whatever discussion we have held we will get it cleared, we had said yesterday also that the negotiations would start and end the same day, negotiations will continue, just possible that the matters are resolved before he reaches Islamabad because this is in the interest of all, in the interest of democracy and also essential for law and order of Pakistan so that God-forbid no unpleasant incident takes place.

Dr Tahir ul Qadri said that he has no doubts about sincerity and good intentions of the Chaudhry Brothers, first incident was also innocent mistake, if they had mentioned the name of Malik Riaz Sahib, though he was doing all this on his own with good intentions. He said may Almighty Allah save the nation and all of us from any major mishap, if two persons are arrested and sent to jail, 75 per cent chance of terrorism would end. He said he praises sincere efforts and good intentions in the negotiations but ” I want only implementation, Dr Khalid Ranjha has also been consulted regarding legal points”. He said that he has said that journey has to commence in the morning which is at least of 24 hours, you continue consultation, in the end whatever is worked out that will also be some regulation and formula which should be implemented and guarantee will also be required prior to its implementation, march will take place, Almighty Allah may keep the entire nation safe and secure, may Allah Almighty bless the efforts of Chaudhry Sahiban, they have embarked on a journey of good intention, Allah may bless this with successful end, its result will be there at the end of the long march in front of the Parliament House, till that time everything will have been finalized, Insha-Allah it will be implemented and there will be guarantee for it so that the media and the entire nation believe that whatever we had said that has been fulfilled. He said that may Almighty Allah bless Chaudhry Sahiban with success in negotiations and also grant us success as well, “I want you people’s guarantee, now all decisions will be taken in Islamabad”.

Earlier on Dr Tahirul Qadri declined to talk with deep sense of regrets and sorrow and said that our opponents and ill-wishers in the cover of presence of Malik Riaz can level concocted, false and baseless allegations and he did not know about his coming. However, he said that he had said to highly respectable Ch Shujat Hussain on telephone that this is his house and he can bring anyone with him. Ch Shujat Hussain and Ch Parvez Elahi said on Dr Tahirul Qadri’s saying that his house is our house and we can bring anyone with us, we had brought Malik Riaz Sahib who had come to meet us only with us that he may contribute and helpful in success of negotiations because of his wisdom, intelligence and understanding because he not only helped in getting nearer to the points of Doctor Sahib but was helpful in our party’s alliance with the Peoples Party for continuation of democracy in the country and also played important role in various political alliances taking place in the country. They also highly lauded the services rendered to the people at large by Malik Riaz Sahib.

Emphasizing on the success of the negotiations, they said that we do not want that God-forbid any loss of life occurs in the long march because nobody is safe from terrorism. When Malik Riaz announced at this stage to leave from there that negotiations should be successful in any case because these have come very closer and there should be no loss of life, Dr Tahir ul Qadri apologized to him from his heart. Malik Riaz with folded hands appealed to Dr Tahir ul Qadri that when the matters are about to be settled he should not undertake the long march.

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