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YDAP rejects the PMDC elections

Lahore: The elections of PMDC are mere a drama to accommodate the blue eyed people ruling the PMDC in past. Recently PMDC has announced its elections via Ads in news Papers while on ground there are no voters list and everything is being done in total violation of law. One Lac Rupees has been fixed as nomination paper fee to deprive young doctors from elections.

Doctor Asim Hussain is trying to Hijack PMDC by ragging the forthcoming elections of the body. Doctor Asim Hussain is an owner of a private medical college in Karachi and is currently occupying the position of vice president of the council. He has formed a group in the executive committee and is controlling all the working of the executive committee and the council office.

This was stated by YDA office bearers Dr. Talha Sherwani, Dr. Aslam Rao , Dr. Rana Sohail, Dr. Zahid Wazir, Dr. Khuda Bakhsh , Dr. Qazi Yasir and YDA Counsel Noshab A. Khan advocate at a press conference here in Lahore .

They said that PMDC is the government body which regulates the medical education in Pakistan and its reputation guarantees jobs for the medical and dental doctors all over the world. It control can not be allowed to the in the hands of sitting Vice president and sitting President of PMDC

Dr. Talha Informed that a PMA activist Dr. Sher Shah Syed has already filed an application before the honorable Chief justice of Pakistan against Dr. Asim Hussain and his group and this has been accepted for hearing as HRC 35986-S/2012.In the application it has been pointed out that Dr. Asim Hussain does not actually teach at the Zia Ud Deen University and as the membership of the council is the right of a teacher, so doctor Asim Hussain is not eligible to be a member of the council. The application also contains evidence of corruption of the mentioned group who are members of all the powerful executive committee of the PMDC.

YDA has filed a writ petition in the Lahore High Court challenging the membership of council of Dr. Asim Hussain.

Young Doctors informed the press conference that pursuant to section 35 medical and dental council (Amendments) Act 2012, the council has been dissolved and the Executive Committee, Vice President and president have been maintained just to conduct the elections to compose the new council. The president, vice President and the Executive Committee are to serve as interim setup and would invariably serve as the chairman, Vice chairman and member of the committee to hold elections.

However, on 3rd October 2012, the Executive Committee, in sheer disdain for law, made another committee to conduct elections and a few member of the Executive committee have a nefarious and malafide plan to rig the elections and have declared themselves as candidates.

By notifying a committee to conduct elections other than the mandated Executive committee and by allowing candidature of the member of Executive Committee in the forthcoming election, the section 36 B of the medical and dental council amendment Act 2012 has been violated and malafide is clear (Annex A).

Dr. Asim Hussain and his group in the Executive Committee is forcing the president PMDC to resign so that he can conduct the elections on their whims. Dr. Talha Sherwani said that as the positions of the President, Vice President and Executive Committee have been explicitly laid down in law so any change in any portfolio is against Law and no other Committee other than the executive Committee is to conduct the elections of member of the Council as per Section 36 B of the medical and dental council amendment act 2012 and have to complete the Elections within the stipulated period of one year as given in the law.

Dr. Talha Sherwani further informed that the Dr. Asim Hussain member of PMDC IS THE PRESIDENT OF Nursing Council and he is a member of the nursing council only because he was sent to the Pakistan Nursing Council by the PMDC under section 3 (1) (i) of the nursing Council Ordinance (Annex C). In the face of the dissolution of the PMDC council under section 36 B of the medical and dental council amendment act 2012 (Annex A) all membership of the PMDC have come to an end and so Dr. Asim Hussain has also lost his membership of the PMDC council.. As Dr.Asim Hussain is no more member of the PMDC so he has ceased to be a member of the Pakistan Nursing council and so cannot continue as its president. All actions done by him and financial benefits and sanctions by him are now illegal. PNC must elect a new President as per its rules within a reasonable time.

Young Doctors gave the mobile no of Prof Manzoor Hussain 03337813535, the so called chairman of the Election Committee and said that he can confirm that the President, Vice President and members of the Executive Committee will be candidates in the very election that they were to contest.

YDA also said that these were 70,000 members in Punjab and these were only 2 seats of executive committee had been reserved for whole Punjab while there were 300 members for FATA and 2 seats were these for them. It was height of injustice. They declared these elections as fake and appealed to the authorities to take notice and cancel these elections.

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