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4new women universities are being established: Mujtaba Shuja

Lahore:  Provincial Minister for Education, Mian Mujtaba Shuja ur Rehman has said that new women universities are being established in Bahawalpur, Multan, Sialkot and Faisalabad for enhancing ratio of higher education among women, whereas, priority is being given to professional colleges like Home Economics College. He said that government is implementing a comprehensive strategy for imparting modern education to the students and Rs. 195 billion will be spent on education sector during the current fiscal year which is 29 percent of the total budget of the province. He said that Punjab government has opened 50 colleges in the province during last four and half years, out of which 12 colleges are in Lahore. He said that government is implementing a comprehensive policy for the up-gradation of higher education in the province and women are encouraging in this sector.

He expressed these views while addressing the 43rdconvocation of Government College of Home Economics, Gulberg Lahore, Principal Samiya Kalsum also addressed on the occasion. The Minister Education / ProVC conferred degrees, medals and certificates among the successful students.

Mian Mujtaba Shuja ur Rehman said that amount for endowment fund has been increased upto Rs. 10 billion. He said that Rs. One billion stipends is being distributed among the girl students belonging to remote and deprived areas to encourage female education.      He said that complete elimination of terrorism and extremism is necessary for the progress & prosperity of the country.

Mujtaba Shuja-ur-Rehman said that more than 70 thousand teachers have been recruited on merit in a transparent manner for removing shortage of school teachers throughout the province. He told that IT labs have been set up in more than 5000 high schools and 515 middle schools.

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