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ISCS organized third round of six-day international workshop

Lahore : Punjab University Institute of Social and Cultural Studies (ISCS) has organized third round of six-day international workshop on research proposal development for young faculty members and M Phil/PhD scholars at ISCS committee room.

Trainers from Germany, USA and Pakistan are the resource persons of the workshop. Prof Dr Rubeena Zakar, faculty members and M Phil/PhD scholars from various departments attended the workshop. On the occasion, Dr Mustafa Aksakal from Bielefeld University, Germany delivered keynote lecture on tips and tricks of research proposal writing.

He also highlighted various aspects of use of reference manager and end note. Earlier, Dr Aksakal delivered lecture on comparative analysis, use of quantitative and qualitative research methods. He detailed various technicalities while using qualitative and quantitative research methods for comparative analysis.

He has also briefed the participants on engaging in comparisons, particular gain, theoretical approaches, what do researchers compare, methodological implications of comparative analysis, use of comparative analysis in research and applying comparative analysis in research.

The faculty members and scholars said that it was a good opportunity provided by the institute to learn modern research techniques and improve their research proposal at different levels. Later, a question answer session was held in which audience participated enthusiastically.

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