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Punjab University organizes sessions on countering extremism

Lahore : Punjab University College of Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES) has organized four one-day orientation sessions on countering extremism with its faculty members and non-teaching staff under “Inspiring the Future” project jointly launched by CEES and Center for Health and Gender Equality (CHANGE).

Addressing the session, CEES Principal Prof Dr Sajid Rashid said that these sessions were intended to engage the professors and administrative staff in promoting peace narrative to their students through their day to day interaction.

He said that the sessions were attended by more than 120 participants of various departments which included from the faculties of sciences and social sciences. He said that throughout the session participants give away feedbacks based upon their experiences and make the session interactive.

He said that these sessions engaged the participants to orient them over the narrative of peace as it would be an effective tool to keep students on the path of peace and tolerance. In these sessions the professors extended their full support and cooperation in further dissemination of the peace narrative with other faculty members, administrative staff and students of PU.

The efforts of the implementation team were lauded by the PU Registrar Dr. Muhammad Khalid Khan Dean Faculty of Life Sciences Prof. Dr. Shahid Kamal. In the end of sessions, certificates were distributed among the participants

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