Lahore: Punjab University has awarded 4 PhD degrees to the scholars in which Nighat Noureen D/o Nasir Jamil in the subject of South Asian Studies after approval of her thesis entitled “US War on Terror: Impact on Religious Extremism in Pakistan (2001-2011)”, Syed Muhammad Ismaeeel S/o Syed Shabbir Hussain in the subject of Islamic Studies after approval of his thesis entitled “Methodology of Juristic Deduction of Imam Jasas an Analytical Research”, Syeda Fariha Iram Rizvi D/o Syed Sabir Hussain in the subject of Applied Psychology after approval of her thesis entitled “Perceived Parental Abuse, Parenting Styles and Associated Behavioral, Emotional Problems & Academic Achievement Among Adolescents”, Ayesha Haroon D/o Haroon Rashid in the subject of Applied Psychology after approval of her thesis entitled “Parenting Stylel, Parenting Practices and Oppositional Behavior among School Going Boys” , Shamaila Rani D/o Nasir Ahmad in the subject of Mathematics after approval of her thesis entitled “Study of Some Interesting Issues in f(T) Gravity”, and Madiha Sahar Khan D/o Munir Hussain Khan in the subject of Chemistry after approval of her thesis entitled “Isolation and Synthesis of Polycyclic Systems”.
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