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Section 144 imposed in Punjab

Lahore: The Punjab government has under section 144(6) Cr.PC, directed all District Coordination Officers in Punjab to impose following restrictions in their respective districts for a period of one month with immediate effect.

Gathering of five or more persons except for the purpose of Muharram processions, Majalis, urs, prayers and other similar congregation of purely religious nature, dissemination of objectionable or hate material in any form and through any means electronic or mechanical including any information storage and retrieval system, use sale, purchase of audio or video CDs and cassettes, printing and spreading of literature, posters, and handbills, display of banners, wall chalking, or making speeches, raising of slogans and making of visible signs or representations, which may incite public sentiments, or directly or indirectly hit the belief of any sect, may incite public sentiments, or directly or indirectly hit the belief of any sect, community of group.

Display of weapons such as firearms, lathies, knives, daggers, spears and any other article which may be used as a weapons of offence and combustible material at public place except where permitted by the competent authority, obstruction of any muharram procession licensed or permitted by a competent authority, construction of firing bays (morchas) on rooftops of houses or other buildings situated at the route of processions etc and collection of stones, bricks etc on processions routes, use of loudspeaker without permission of lawful authority except for Azan and Khutba.

This decision has been taken in view of the fact that militants and certain anti-social elements are likely to disturb public peace and human life and safety in the province particularly during Muharram ul Harram.

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