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Membership campaign of PTI is proceeding well :Spokesperson ECPTI

Imran KhanLahore: Membership campaign of PTI is proceeding well and thousands of new members are registering daily through sms. Their record is being captured by the EC computer which is sending it to the ECP and getting voter list details, which are going into data base to complete the comprehensive data base about each member.

Spokesperson ECPTI‎ said that for the first time in the history of PTI membership data is being captured with full details about each member, including details about where his vote is registered with ECP.

Some apprehensions are being expressed  about fake votes being registered;‎people are reportedly buying sims and registering with EC PTI using information from ECP voter list,without the knowledge of the persons whose name is used for the membershipm. EC PTI is taking the following measures to delete fake votes.

1.The EC PTI is calling up thousands of numbers each day to verify whether they are functional. Sims purchased for making fake numbers are normally taken out of the telephone after registering as member so they are closed. All phones which are ‘dead’when EC calls on more than one pccasion are being blocked and will only be able to get it restored by  appearing before Distt Elction Coordinators.

2.‎The date of issue of sims issued after 15 January,the start of membership campaign, are being obtained and these numbers will re verified and blocked if found non functional.

3. At the end of membership campaign on 31 March, these lists will be displayed ‎at the district leval for all to see and  make complaints . This will be a stage when fake numbers will be deleted and missing numbers will be added.

So all efforts are in hand to minimise ‎fake votes and PTIEC is confident that with work in hand the voter list will be authentic and accurate.

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